
Co-Parenting After Divorce


Parenting, particularly after divorce, can be an emotionally challenging and stressful process.

While the end of a marriage can leave both parties wanting a completely clean break, successful co-parenting after divorce is crucial for the well-being of children.

Co-parenting involves both parents working together to raise happy children, despite no longer being together. And research shows that children fare better emotionally and psychologically when they have secure relationships with both parents post-divorce.

At Express Divorce, we understand the challenges of co-parenting, and so in this guide we’ll explore strategies for maintaining healthy co-parenting relationships after divorce, ensuring a supportive and stable environment for your children.

Put your children’s needs first

While you may still have unresolved issue with your former partner, now is the time to put them aside for the good of your children.

This can be particularly challenging after a messy divorce, but it is crucial to the emotional well-being of your children.

Do whatever it takes to put their emotional needs first, even if this means working with a mediator or therapist to help you and your co-parent bring the conversation back to what is best for your children.


Effective and respectful communication is vital to successful co-parenting and the wellbeing of your children.

  • Use a neutral tone: Avoid confrontational or accusatory language and strive to maintain a neutral and respectful tone.
  • Set clear boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your co-parent to prevent conflict and misunderstandings that can cause arguments. Agree and commit to your roles and responsibilities regarding childcare and finances.


Stability is essential for the well-being of children, particularly during and after a divorce.

Aim to establish consistent routines and co-parenting roles, and don’t break them.

Here are some ways to prioritise stability:

  • Implement consistent rules: Work with your co-parent to define consistent rules and expectations for your children, regardless of which household they’re in. This consistency helps foster mutual respect, while minimising confusion.
  • Coordinate schedules: Coordinate schedules to ensure that transitions between households are smooth and predictable for the children. Always stick to this schedule to avoid any negative emotions that can be associated with feeling let down.
  • Be flexible: While consistency is viral, there may be ocassions when circumstances change. In these instances, it is important that you are as flexible and accommodating as possible. Always put your children first. If they see a measured, mature response to a change of plan, then they will feel more secure and learn to deal with setbacks with confidence.

What not to do

For some families, co-parenting can be a smooth transition, while for others, it can be an emotionally draining experience.

While it may be difficult and challenging at times, it helps to accept that not everything will always be perfect, striving to maintain a cordial relationship at all times for the sake of your children.

It is important that co-parents avoid talking negatively about each other to children, remembering that your ex-spouse is also a loved parent.

And never ask a child to take sides.

Finally, it is vital that you try to avoid projecting any stress onto your children that can burden them with feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Maintaining a healthy co-parenting relationship for the benefit of your children requires effort, patience and flexibility.

By engaging in open and consistent communication, you can navigate the transition successfully, providing a stable, secure and loving environment in which your children can thrive.