
Sam Vimes - Express Divorce Support


Express Divorce Managed Divorce Service: A Hassle-Free Solution for Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most stressful life events to go through. From emotional strain to legal complications, the process can quickly become overwhelming. However, in recent years, innovative services like Express Divorce's Managed Divorce Service have made it...

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Clean Break vs Consent Order – What Is The Difference?

Clean Break Orders and Consent Orders are court orders that allow you to sever the financial ties between you and your ex-spouse. Whilst there are similarities between the two orders, each one is suited to different circumstances. In this article,...

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What Are You Entitled To In A Divorce? A Guide To Dividing Assets

Divorce can be a difficult process. In addition to the emotional challenges of a separation, there are often logistical challenges and financial ties to sever. Whether it be property, savings, pensions or investments, determining how to fairly split your assets...

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The Impact Of Social Media On Divorce

Social media has become an integral part of all our daily lives, influencing how we communicate, share information and interact with friends and family. While it has its benefits, social media platforms also present some unique challenges to couples and...

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Financial Planning For Life After Divorce

Going through a divorce is not only an emotionally testing time - it can also often entail a significant financial transition. As you navigate the process of separation, it is sensible to take proactive steps to secure your financial future....

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Co-Parenting After Divorce

Parenting, particularly after divorce, can be an emotionally challenging and stressful process. While the end of a marriage can leave both parties wanting a completely clean break, successful co-parenting after divorce is crucial for the well-being of children. Co-parenting involves...

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The Benefits Of Using Express Divorce VS DIY Divorce

Compared to the costs associated with using high-street solicitors, a DIY divorce is a far cheaper option. But there are several pitfalls that come with administering your own divorce. And that is why an experienced online divorce service provider can...

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Express Divorce VS High-Street Solicitors

The internet has changed the landscape of many service industries, and this is very much the case in the legal profession, where expensive high-street solicitors are facing a formidable challenge from online divorce services. First, the obvious question: why opt...

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Annual Awareness Week 2023: A Vision For Family Justice

The concept of a "good divorce" may seem paradoxical, yet it represents a growing movement that promotes amicable separations that prioritise the well-being of all parties involved. Historically, divorces were often treated as the legal battleground on which seperating couples...

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