
Category: Online Divorce

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Clean Break vs Consent Order – What Is The Difference?

Clean Break Orders and Consent Orders are court orders that allow you to sever the financial ties between you and your ex-spouse. Whilst there are similarities between the two orders, each one is suited to different circumstances. In this article,...

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The Benefits Of Using Express Divorce VS DIY Divorce

Compared to the costs associated with using high-street solicitors, a DIY divorce is a far cheaper option. But there are several pitfalls that come with administering your own divorce. And that is why an experienced online divorce service provider can...

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Express Divorce VS High-Street Solicitors

The internet has changed the landscape of many service industries, and this is very much the case in the legal profession, where expensive high-street solicitors are facing a formidable challenge from online divorce services. First, the obvious question: why opt...

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A Guide To Getting Divorced Online In The UK

In this digital era, the majority of tasks that used to require filling in paperwork and relying on an inconsistent postal service, can now be completed online. And getting divorced is no exception. The divorce process has suffrered a reputation...

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What is a no-fault divorce

In April 2022, No-fault divorce was introduced in England and Wales to remove the need for blame as a basis for divorce.

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Change The Way You Talk, And Think, About Divorce.

  What Is The Family Law Language Project UK? The Family Law Language Project was created by Emma Nash to change how we describe, think and feel about legal issues such as divorce. It aims to tackle issues in the...

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Does your divorce need a consent order rather than a clean break?

[vc_row row_content_display="in_grid" row_content_display_align="left" row_type="row" stretch_row_type="yes"][vc_column][vc_column_text]A consent order is a legal document made between a couple which details exactly how your assets are to be divided after a divorce. It needs to be submitted and agreed by a judge and will...

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Can I Get A UK Divorce If I Live In Europe?

You can petition or respond to a UK divorce even if you live in Europe as long as you satisfy certain criteria. Brexit is not a barrier, although the rules have changed somewhat. Divorcing entirely online is an extremely practical...

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Can I get divorced online in the UK?

[vc_row row_content_display="in_grid" row_content_display_align="left" row_type="row" stretch_row_type="yes"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Yes, you certainly can get divorced completely online in the UK. In fact an online divorce process is exactly the same as if it was carried out by a solicitor or if you were to...

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