
Sam Vimes - Express Divorce Support


What are the Legal Grounds for Divorce in the UK?

When filing for a divorce in the UK the petitioner has to cite the grounds so that you can start divorce proceedings. There are thousands of different potential reasons accepted for a divorce but they have to fall into one of five and soon six catego

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Why your divorce needs a Clean Break Order. Your assets could still be at risk.

Check Out Our Clean Break Order Service For Only £99 A Clean Break Order is a legally binding financial document that effectively ends your financial commitment to your spouse after divorce. This will prevent any future financial claims that your...

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Can I get divorced online in the UK?

[vc_row row_content_display="in_grid" row_content_display_align="left" row_type="row" stretch_row_type="yes"][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""] Yes, you certainly can get divorced completely online in the UK. In fact an online divorce process is exactly the same as if it was carried out by a solicitor or if you were...

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What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a quicker, less stressful and less expensive alternative to a divorce trial. A mediator is a neutral party that is there to help the divorcing couple with issues in their separation. The mediator is not there as...

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What is Divorce Day?

Divorce Day is the first Monday after New Year. It is meant to be the most popular time of the year for couples to either start researching divorce or even to start divorce proceedings. I have found that there are...

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Is gay sex adultery in the UK?

[vc_row row_content_display="in_grid" row_content_display_align="left" row_type="row" stretch_row_type="yes"][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Gay sex” cannot be used to quote adultery on a petition for divorce. If your husband has an affair with another man or if your wife has an affair with another woman it is not considered...

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What is the best way to get divorced quickly?

For most married couples, the divorce process takes between 6 and 8 months, sometimes longer. The key to success is ensuring your divorce is uncontested and that means sensible negotiations and occasional compromise.    An Uncontested Divorce is normally much...

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Divorce ‘blame game’ to end in 2021

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill (often referred to as the ‘no-fault’ divorce bill) recently passed its third reading in the House of Commons.  It will shortly return to the House of Lords where it will receive Royal Assent, however,...

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Do I have a right to my ex’s pension?

Pensions are often an overlooked asset in divorces. This is despite pension assets often being worth more than the family home. Due to the employment patterns in the UK, pension is an asset most likely to be lost to one...

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